Friday, November 24, 2006

Oyster Dressing Award

I trust everyone had a wonderful and fulfilling Thanksgiving. Our day was busy and filled with lots of food. We started our day with my mom and dad. Mom always has great food with allot of it still made from scratch. The one tradition I remember from my younger days is Grandma's homemade oyster dressing with sage. All homemade and always made to perfection. If there was any leftover, I usually was awarded the honor of taking the remaining dressing home. Now my mom has taken control of making sure the oyster dressing is provided on Thanksgiving. Dear grandma passed away many years ago and its with each holiday I celebrate my time with her rather then grieving her passing.

Mom created quite the feast this year. A wonderful smoke flavored turkey took center stage. Not a large bird since there was only 7 this year for dinner. It was succulent and the smoke flavor added a distinct taste. Next came the oyster dressing, homemade noodles, green bean cassarole, sweet potatoes, beets, relish tray and rolls. For dessert, mom made her delicious cranberry salad, homemade fruit salad, pumpkin pie (the missus baked) and pecan pie. There wasn't much leftover this year but I'll dare to say no one left the table hungry.

The dressing still remains a vital aspect of our family tradition. I am still awarded with the leftovers as in the past. That was until my cousin came along...who now covets every last crumb of oyster dressing as much as I do. Although I'm ten years older then him, he still insists the last of the crumbs be awarded to him. However this year was different. There was no civil debate, arm wrestling, game of chess or some other manly competition to decide who had the honor. In fact, the fanfare of me taking the last of the crumbs home went unheralded. You see, he is proudly serving his country over in Iraq. Today I am thankful for him sacrificing his Oyster Dressing Award to allow me and my family to continue to live with freedom and liberty.

And so this day I shall enjoy my leftover oyster dressing while quietly my mind reminisces the competitions of the coveted annual Oyster Dressing Award.

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