Saturday, November 04, 2006


Cardio-rehab is getting tougher each week. It's to be expected but damn, it already feels like I'm training for a triathalon. Hell, maybe I'll be able to run a triathalon next summer. 8 weeks of rehab isn't all that bad. It could be worse...12 weeks or longer. The people there are really nice and I'm starting to relax and be myself. I really enjoy the treadmill as I like to walk. I am looking into gyms to frequent while the weather is cold and miserable. The choices are limited but I've narrowed down to just two.

I'm supposed to be exercising at home...supposed to be. I'm exhausted when I get home from work each night. I have to lay down for 30 minutes each night. I think I've done well only having cat-napped once at work. And this weekend, I'm trying not to let this cold get any worse. I had planned on a flu shot but they advised against it while I have this cold.

That's all for now...more to follow. Stay tuned and have a great weekend!

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