First Place:
Oh God! Who would fart like that in front of the Dali Lama. Must of been that damn Dazd. Wheeew! Rex
Second Place:
Whenever I have trouble sleeping I just watch Hillary's latest speech. After about five minutes I can't keep my eyes open. MrsJ
Third Place:
Oh kiss my karmic ass! Dawn
This weeks Caption:

As always..leave you captions in the comments and winners will be announced Next Monday!
"Peek-a-boo... I see you"
Thanks for 3rd place :)))
the winners are hysterical.. I have no comment for the cat....ya'll can do much better than I ever will at "captions"
The kitty crack is MINE...all MINE!!!
What do you think? Is green my color?
Pink kitties. It's just too cute!
"I know these are the leaves I saw her smoke! I know it!"
"I'z gunna scarez you"
Amanda took mine! Okay, I'll try another version:
"Iz tiny and hidin' from youz."
"I wuz sew bad. I iz sawry."
OK, got another one...lol
"I've finally got my cat-mew-flage...you'll never find me again!"
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