Ramblings of the Dazed and Confuzed one. Some insightful, some meaningless and some just downright stupid. Fact or Fiction is for you to decide.
"Reality sucks and Life goes on." ~Dazdnconfzd
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
My Podcast Show...Check it Out!!!
Every Tuesday night at 8 pm EST. You can also find all the links over in my blogroll.
Click the Banner to listen live:
Miss a show? Click the player and listen.
If you are an entertainer and would like to be a guest on our show, please visit us and drop us a note.
Didn't know you had one...cool! :) I'll listen sometime.
You are awesome!!
What's the show about? I'm so radio showed out. :( So many to listen to so little time. You should do a ghost one if you haven't already.
just checking for any new updates.
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