Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What a Glorious Day

Ever have one of those days? You know the one...where everything seems to run behind by 10 minutes. The day even started for me before the alarm went off at 6:15 this morning. I was awake by 6:00 am and already had 1/2 pot of coffee brewing by 6:05. Seemed like today was going to be a "get'er all done" sorta day. I was looking forward to that because yesterday was a lazy day. I let the dog out for her morning romp through the yard. I then found the cat, yelled at him and we played chase for a bit. Grabbed a cup of coffee and outside I went to play a round of fetch with the canine companion. Wow...6:20 and back inside to watch the news before a shower. Grand start of a "get'er all done" sorta day.

Well, I'm here to tell you it was all downhill from there. My romp outside flared my sinuses and I spent the next 15 minutes sneezing and blowing my nose. I took some OTC meds to counter-act my flare-up and drank what seemed like a gallon of water. Took a hot shower and seemed to be feeling much better. 6:55 and plenty of time before I had, and I repeat had, to leave for work. Made a travel cup of coffee and was all set. Got out the door and on the road 5 minutes ahead of schedule. CRAP! Forgot my coffee. Stopped at the local VP and guess was being made. So I wait 5 minutes and its done...head to the cashier. CRAP! Their not taking plastic this morning as the machine was down. Scrambled to the car for loose change (I hadn't been to the ATM yet) and got that paid. Oh now I'm 5 minutes behind. lol Wonderful...

On down the road I go for my daily 30 minute commute. Normally it wouldn't be a big ordeal except I heard on the radio of a traffic accident. So I take the next exit and decided to go the back route to avoid the traffic congestion. Of course I hit every stop light and feel my blood presuure rising. I have a good commute as I'm heading the opposite direction of the in-bound traffic. My commute is all highway and Interstate so it flows fairly well. Then I remembered the train tracks on my back route. As I got past the point of no return (the last side street) I heard the ominous train whistle. Lucky for me it was a short freight train and was on my way. Now I'm 10 minutes behind schedule.

The rest of my commute was uneventful and without any traffic tie-ups to contend with. Just as I was pulling into work, 10 minutes late, I heard the radio traffic report. And yes, the traffic accident was not reported correctly. BAH! So I've now decided that I'm waiting until 6:30 tomorrow before even contemplating getting out of bed. Maybe I can counteract todays events and balance out the remainder of my week.

Now I'm wondering if I turned the coffee pot off....


Cris said...

So??? was the coffee pot off?Probably if not you woudnt be here blogging anymore...hahah at the end of the day, that was a cool day ... see the pozitive side, you had something to post abt!

Dazd said...

LOL Yes the coffee pot was off! I worried about that all day.