Thursday, December 07, 2006

Great Christmas Stocking Stuffer

I have toiled many hours searching high and low, browsing the Internets far and wide and spent many sleepless nights worrying if I'd ever create a suitable list for my daily readers. This collection of books happens to hold the record for the shortest written publication known to mankind. And what better time to share this list then Christmas time. Have that someone who always skimps on your present, for let's say the last 10 years, when you always go out of your budget for them? Or maybe you just wanna fill your bathroom with quick reading material so no one loiters? Well here is my collection of great short stories that would make the perfect gift!

French War heroes - Jacques Chirac
How I Served My Country - Jane Fonda
My Beauty Secrets - Janet Reno
How to Build Your Own Airplane - John Denver
My Super Bowl Highlights - Dan Marino
Things I Love About Bill - Hillary Clinton
Things I Cannot Afford - Bill Gates
Things I Would Not Do For Money - Dennis Rodman
My Wild Years - Al Gore
Amelia Earhart's Guide to the Pacific
America's Most Popular Lawyers
Detroit: A Travel Guide
A Collection of Motivational Speeches - Dr. J. Kervorkian
All the Men I Have Loved Before - Ellen de Generes
Guide to Dating Etiquette - Mike Tyson
Spotted Owl Receipes - EPA
The Amish Phone Directory
My Plan to Find The Real Killers - O.J. Simpson
Establishing a Lifetime Friendship - Judas
Skiing for Beginners - Sonny Bono

Have you found any great short story titles? Leave a comment...

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