Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday Rants

Eye on the UN

Sea Ice same as 1979
Global Warming? It's a farce! While I agree that humans are part of the problem, the extent to which its used by media and greedy sum bitches is staggering. If there's global warming why is it forecasted got -10 below zero here Friday?!?!?! Al Gore can suck a yellow sno-cone.

Beating a dead Horse

From the WTF Files Where is the Sugar Momma's post? EOE works both ways ya know. I happen to know a family of 3 that would be willing for an adoption.


Dawn Drover said...

I'm on the fence with Global warming... don't know what to believe anymore...

Anonymous said...

That Sugar Daddy Costume is pretty funny!

Anonymous said...

... so, who won the caption contest?....
