Thursday, January 13, 2011

Is This Amusing?

As regular readers are aware, unemployment has been my life blood for 2 years now. Yes, I have worked the occasional job here and there but the steady stream on benefits has kept us afloat. I've had over a bakers dozen of job interviews, background checks, credit checks, drug screening and the waxing of hair off my ass.

Now here's the amusing part, or so I think it is anyways. The Indiana State legislation is currently trying to pass a law. I know, right! This law, two different versions of the bill, would require that anyone on unemployment who fails a drug screening from a potential employers be: 1. Stripped of their Unemployment Benefits 2. A $10,000 fine 3. Up to 3 years in jail.

Now here's the issue: If said person fails drug tests and is fined $10,000 without a job, how does one pay this fine? Or...If said person loses unemployment benefits, are they going to make cash illegally? (aka drug dealing, theft, etc...) Or spend 3 years in jail on the taxpayers dime? Well you see...any of these scenarios could be on the taxpayers dime regardless. Oh...homeless person now along with their entire family? Lovely...

So which is the lesser of two evils: 1. Paying unemployment benefits or 2. Paying through the government system with taxpayers dollars, aka higher taxes.

Did Illinois start the trend by raising their income taxes by 66%?

So what say you my loyal readers?

Friday, January 07, 2011


Been a few weeks since I've posted anything. The Holidays kept me busy and frankly, I had nothing to write about. Things haven't progressed at all on the employment front. A few calls here and there but nothing yet has materialized. The unemployment funds run out next week and I'm really stressing over how we will survive.

I know there are naysayers who claim its not tough to find a job. In fact, its downright ridiculous how we, as a society, have become sheeple. Yes...we are sheeple. Does anyone actually believe that the unemployment rate nationwide is 9.4%? I am about to become a statistic..that's right a statistic. A statistic that doesn't get counted in that unemployment rate. Once my unemployment ceases, I am no longer counted as unemployed. Or how about those people who worked part-time that lost their job? They don't get counted either. Or how about those people who just plain gave-up looking for a job? That's right...they don't get counted either.

Other news...its still cold in Indiana. Although the snow has melted its still hovering in the 20's for highs daily. Good news to warm the hearts of football fans...Colts are in the playoffs! They take on the evil NY Jets Saturday right here in Indianapolis. The city is all abuzz with excitement and hopefully the weather holds well.

Well thats all for now...I'll try and post more next week. Wish me luck on getting a job! I can use allot of luck about now.