Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cataclysm - Post 19

July 25 2012
We call him the Lone Ranger now. He blindly stumbled across a rebel encampment and was shot by a sentry, according to the prisoners. The sentry had shot "in the direction of the noise" and had the unfortunate luck of hitting the LR. The sentry then fled back to the camp and reported seeing a man on a horse. As the rebels massed a defensive strategy, they sent out 2 others to investigate. That's when a sniper from the Guard shot one of the men and all hell broke loose. Statistics of the fight: 25 rebels lay dead, 5 captured, 3 soldiers killed, 5 wounded and rescued one Lone Ranger. We also have one boy who is 11 and will not leave his side.

Our patrol had spotted LR and Pancake sprinting down the cornfield. They flagged the point of entry and called for back-up. They proceeded into the woods tracking his movements.The Captain alerted 15 men to assist the patrol and return LR. And to be hasty but cautious as news of rebel forces in the area had already reached command. Do not attempt contact with the rebels unless necessary. At the point of shooting one of them and the other fleeing, it became a mission of life or death. The rebels didn't know we, the Guard, were in the area but knew of the Big 12. The prisoners told of a mid-day raid that day but LR muddled those plans. The knew of the Big 12, had Intel on their locations and Intel on what supplies they were stocking. The prisoners told of another community half-way between their camp and the Big 12 (approx. 15 miles from the Big 12) they'd attacked the day before. The rebels had sustained heavy losses and retreated into the safety of the woods. Obviously they attacked Larry and friends and have sent a Squad of 12 to check into their well-being.

LR is recovering well. Doc has him sedated, on IV with anti-biotic and says healing time to be about 6 weeks. LR took one round to the right shoulder which went cleanly through and breaking his shoulder blade. Doc called in a surgeon and after 5 hours they had him all stitched up. He is a very lucky man to be alive. Pancake came home on her own and looks to have no wear and tear about her. Glenn told me of LR's journal entries and we found his laptop. Since he didn't have it password protected I took the opportunity to keep his journal updated. I'll relinquish the updates once he's recovered enough to resume his writings.


July 27 2012
LR is recovering nicely. He's been taken off sedation and is resting comfortably. I talked with the boy today. he's not much of a conversationalist but will answer direct questions. He claims his family owned the house down the road. They had abandoned it back in early March. He was abandoned also and left to fend for himself. He's been hanging around LR's place sneaking food and things when opportunity presented itself. He likes doubt about that. Otherwise, he posses no threat to the Big 12 or the Guard. We are not pressing issues like hygiene or clean clothes at this time. We are simply leaving out the necessities and in time he'll start taking care of himself. We even setup a cot in the room with LR. For now we'll just let him be himself.

News arrived from Larry's place. All is well and no one lost their life when the rebels raided. Larry had ventured into the same wooded area and detected someone had been there. He saw no one but his sign cutting left no doubt. They had 3 days to prepare for the unknown. He states the rebels attacked at night. They were met with a barrage of arrows, guns and fire. They had spread dry grass and straw between the woods and the houses. When the rebels advanced, they were met with heavy gunfire. They tried to retreat but Larry's group had set the straw afire cutting off the retreat temporarily. 20 rebels lay dead, 10 injured and 5 others tortured while being interrogated. All 5 were hung publicly and with the 10 injured watching. A cache of weapons was found a few miles away with information obtained. Maps, directions, Intel and other valuable information were found inside the bunker.

We have called for another company. Captain says they'll make a fire base between the two communities to keep both guarded. I'm relieved they are coming...its damn scary knowing only a company of men are protecting us. None of the Intel gathered from the bunker told of our positions here. But after our attack, you can beat they know we are here now.


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