Thursday, March 01, 2007

Healing Songs

Since I'm still sick, here's some tunes associated with being sick...sorta...maybe

And finally, I'm asking the boss as I'm coughing and snot running down my nose...


Anonymous said...

The music is good...but a shot of whiskey can do a lot of good too in making you feel better.

Anonymous said...

EVERYBODY is sick! It's starting to remind me of that Stephen King book, "The Stand". Creepy!

I say you should stay home until you feel better. All you'll accomplish by being at work is spreading around the virus.

Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly Dragon! Been leaving Get Well wishes every I go today it seems.

That goes for you and the Dazd clan too, Dazd. Y'all feelin' any better? Hope so.

Dazd said...

lol Dragon...Momma said I should always share!

Freddie...yes, feeling better today. Enjoying your vacation?

Freddie said...

Immensely. Well except for the fact that Sunshine woke up with a fever last night. I'm glad I'd already arranged to take the day off today. I'm hoping whatever it passes quickly, without too much collateral damage.

Glad to hear you're feeling better.