Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cataclysm - Post 8

June 5 2012
9 inches of rain in the last week. Much needed for the crops and animals. Our root cellars have held really well with minimal dampness. We need to work on sealing the entrances better from water. We stayed in the cellar for a few days after the shelling stopped. We ventured out in groups of two mainly during the darkness. Once we felt safe we ventured out during the daylight using that time to tend to the livestock. We were starting to get cabin fever and grind on each others nerves. So it was a welcome turn of events to get out and about.

We have plenty of livestock as the sows dropped their litters. 24 little pigs running around make for allot of commotion and humor. The ewes should birth here soon along with the cows. Separated a few laying hens to produce more chicks. So far we've not had to eat any chickens but the day is coming. So we want as much supply as we can handle. The Vet is due by this week for a check-up. I want to know when we'll be having lambs and calves so we can prepare accordingly.

I forgot to mention we planted the second round of the garden a little over 3 weeks ago. Rows of corn, beans, peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc... Lots of canning in the months to come. After the good slow rain the garden is looking great. We even planted some herbs. I don't think we can get anymore in that 5 acre garden. The Big 12 took one of the abandoned farms and turned all the tillable land around the house into garden. Not sure the actual acreage but it looks to be around 10. We are using this to help fill others pantries and use for towns people to barter for goods.

The local clergy stopped by again yesterday. We had the usual sun tea and biscuits on the porch. News from town is disheartening as the medical supplies are drying up and food supplies are getting scarce. The National Guard did bring 2 truckloads of goods and distributed it among the needy. The medics also tended to those with injuries and poor health. About a dozen residents left in the nursing home were relocated to the Guard base. The nursing home is now a shelter for those requiring such and also a makeshift hospital. The Guard told the clergy the attempted overthrow was thwarted but allot of casualties, both civilian and the rebels. The state government is in complete chaos. Quite a few of the state leaders were either killed, kidnapped or severely wounded during the overthrow.

Anyways...we held a small service here at the house. The clergy committed to stopping by the first weekend of each month for services. I know I felt better after the services and from the looks of the Big 12 families, it did them well too. We'll have a good ole fashioned "Sunday Service Dinner" after our next meeting. Of course it'll be on a Saturday...but God doesn't follow a schedule. Looking forward to the community gathering and fun!

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