Friday, May 13, 2011

Cataclysm - Post 12

June 29 2012

Word from town and other information gathered isn't good. June 26th we heard jet fighters doing bombing runs to our North. The fighters flew throughout the day and into the wee hours of dawn the 27th. We are certain the fight is far enough away we won't have to worry about friendly fire. We never heard small arms fire or anti-aircraft guns so we're quite certain its over 20 miles.

We took extreme defensive measures as word came back from town the rebellion had flared up. We took shelter in the bunkers, posted guards all around the Big 12 and rotated our shifts of guards and tending to the farms. All the weapons we have are spread out with each house have enough to make a small stand.

After the Lt. left, I talked to the men and found out 4 of them are ex-military. Glenn, who was a Staff Sargent in the Army, is now our Commander. He spent the time I was at Larry's showing everyone how to use the M-16s. They also left a few cases of hand grenades but decided only those ex-military are selected to use them. Glenn was reluctant at first to take the responsibility but as I explained to him, we needed someone with the knowledge to keep the guard unit comfortable with us. He can talk the lingo and understand the tactics. We also need them to provide us with much needed supplies that soon they will only be able to obtain. It is vital for our existence we keep in their good graces. We all jokingly referred to us as F-Troop. But the more I think about it, this does seem fitting to our situation.

On a lighter note, our gardens are plentiful! The first round of planting is providing a much needed change in our diets. Its amazing what a Big 12 group can do to can and prepare foods for the winter. The things these people know...we would have never survived the winter without their assistance and knowledge. The chickens are now producing over 6 dozen eggs a day. Each family has taken livestock as their main responsibility. We were given the chickens as our main livestock. Some other livestock we initially started with as did the other families. That way each farm could sustain itself through the hard winter with a fresh supply of milk, eggs and meat. We are now trading the eggs with folks in town for our inventory needs. I am also donating a dozen eggs a day to the old nursing home that has become a hospital/shelter.

The Lt. and his unit should've been by today for the visit. I don't suspect they'll be visiting after dark though. I hope we didn't lose our Guard connection.

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