Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday Game

Channel surfing on Sunday morning...nothing like it folks. Lazy day here at Dazd Central. I have no plans today and if I get motivated, I'm sure I'll still have no plans.

I did come across an interesting show today. I didn't stay around past the second story. It really depressed me and I felt envy with hatred, this isn't a good thing for a Sunday. The show depicted peoples lives that had won a lottery. And this wasn't some fly-by-night coverage, oh no sir. It was coverage up to and after the winnings. Yes, the two I watched seemed level-headed enough not to be bankrupt within 5 years. And also seemed deserving of making easy street for the rest of their lives.

What the hell about me!?!?!

Anyways, I started thinking how I'd spend my money. Then my thought quickly changed to how I can make money now. And I've come up with this brilliant idea. Oh yes...brilliant! I'm going to visit those fine folks that won the lottery. There's gonna be a little game we can play...


Anonymous said...

The late, great Acidman once did a post on that shirt. Go to the link to read it:

Anonymous said...

I've watched shows like that before, and I always get ticked off. I think the ones who usually win it are undeserving, although this could be a jealousy thing!

Jay said...

I never play the lottery because I'd hate to win. If I have money, I want to earn it.