Ramblings of the Dazed and Confuzed one. Some insightful, some meaningless and some just downright stupid. Fact or Fiction is for you to decide. "Reality sucks and Life goes on." ~Dazdnconfzd
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Joke of the Day
Last week was my birthday
and I didn't feel very well
waking up on that morning.
.. I went downstairs for breakfast
hoping my wife would be pleasant
and say, "Happy Birthday!", and
possibly have a small present for me
As it turned out,
she barely said good morning,
let alone "Happy Birthday."
I thought...
Well, that's marriage for you,
but the kids....
They will remember.
My kids came bounding down stairs to
breakfast and didn't say a word.
So when I left for the office,
I felt pretty low and somewhat despondent.
As I walked into my office,
my secretary Jane said,
"Good Morning Boss,
and by the way Happy Birthday! "
It felt a little better that at least someone had remembered.
I worked until one o'clock,
when Jane knocked on my door
and said, "You know,
It's such a beautiful day outside,
and it is your Birthday,
what do you say we go out to lunch,
just you and me."
I said, "Thanks, Jane,
that's the greatest thing
I've heard all day.
Let's go!"
We went to lunch.
But we didn't go
where we normally would go.
She chose instead a quiet bistro
with a private table.
We had two martinis each
and I enjoyed the meal tremendously.
On the way back to the office,
Jane said, "You know,
It's such a beautiful day...
We don't need to go straight back to the office, Do We ?"
I responded,
"I guess not. What do you have in mind?"
She said, "Let's drop by my apartment,
it's just around the corner."
After arriving at her apartment,
Jane turned to me and said,
" Boss, if you don't mind,
I'm going to step into the bedroom
for just a moment.
I'll be right back."
"Ok," I nervously replied.
She went into the bedroom and,
after a couple of minutes,
she came out carrying a huge birthday cake .
Followed by my wife, my kids,
and dozens of my friends and co-workers, all singing "Happy
And I just sat there...
On the couch...
Go Colts!

CHICAGO (AP) -- Chicago Bears football practice was delayed nearly two hours today after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. Head coach Lovie Smith immediately suspended practice while police and federal investigators were called to investigate. After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance unknown to the players was the goal line. Practice resumed after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again...
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Public Service Announcement
1. Imagine yourself in the ailing person's place.
This is scary, which is why it's seldom done. Most of us don't want to think about this. It means accepting that you could be in the ailing person's place,chronically, acutely or terminally ill.
2. Do not visit if you are sick with a cold, fever or contagious illness.
They're sick enough already.
3. If there's a sign on a door that says to check at the nurse's station before entering a room - do it.
And do not think they are quietly sitting inside the room not answering the door, like some do at home. *cough*
4. Do not question the person about their health status in great detail.
If they claim they've had a myocardial infarction, then chances are they're ready to discuss. If they say they've had chest pains, then leave well enough alone.
5. And for Pete's Sake, don't quiz them on expected release date.
If they know they'll tell you. People in the hospital with no idea are often depressed and would rather visit a friend then worry about going home, at that very moment. And they may be like a Windows release...they made it out the door on time but many issues and fixes are in order.
6. Do not go into someone's hospital room while they are asleep and park yourself at the foot of their bed until they wake.
Actually, I think again that this is something, if you are very close to the person who is ill, you should just ask directly about -- is this ok? or not? To see a loved one at the end of the bed can be reassuring.
7. Do not visit someone that you would not visit normally.
If they weren't good enough for it before, why are they good enough for it now? Go visit with a few people the person knows so it doesn't make the person uncomfortable.
8. Do not start discussing work or business.
Again, I think this is something to ask about. If someone is tired, recuperating, and needs to avoid stress, this is a good idea.
9. If a person tells you that they are tired, or ready to go to sleep - leave or hang up the phone.
Don't take this personally.
10. If a person is obviously tired, even if they're not saying it - leave.
Especially if you have reason to suspect that they won't say so.
Here is the other Service Announcement in Surviving a Crisis Situation.
Help Me Mr. Wizard

In my efforts to create a usable site for myself and my daily readers that looked really cool, I have drawn the conclusion that my "programming skills" are limited. Yes I can find a cool template and manipulate the design to my preferences. I can even view someone elses coding and find errors or how they do cool things. But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to re-implement my Haloscan into Old Blogger!
Last time it was automated. Which was cool, I didn't have to do anything. But now, the automated process for Old Blogger is gone. It's only automated for New Blogger, which I won't switch to just yet because my template is for Old Blogger only. And so as not to lose any of the Blogger comments these last few days, I'd like to have the option for commentors on which one they'd like to use. Ugh...
And just how does one go about adding that nifty "read more" into a post? You know...the one for long posts that hides it until you click that "read more" and it either scrolls down or opens a new page. Oh sure I've seen it as coding, scripts and things I don't even recognize as coding. Oh sure..."take the lazy mans way out and have someone code it." Well heck yes! I've spent countless hours trying to make this all work.
So if ANYONE knows what they are doing, please email me. Or even knows a friend of a friend who will graciously provide assistance without compensation, let me know.
I seriously need help!
Sincerely Yours,
Crazy Dazd
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Weekly Dilemma #1
I read your Dilemma post a few days ago and have finally decided to write to you in the hopes that your down to earth wisdome will get some help.
I'm a lurker, who's been reading you since you returned home from the hospital and have enjoyed both your sense of humor and approach to life.
So why am I turning to you for help instead of talking with my pastor or my friends? In truth, I'm terribly humiliated and ashamed of what's happened. Also, I moved to a new city not long ago and have not made any friends yet thereby not making it easy for me to open up to my new pastor.
First a little about me. I started blogging and commenting on blogs about 2 years ago, as I began planning my move to the big city. It helped provide companionship during times when I couldn't go anywhere due to my mother's illness. We moved to the city in search of better economic opportunity and better health & supportive care for my mom's health issues. As an only child and wage earner, the move helped me secure round the clock care for her and it enables me to work to support both of us.
During the time I've blogged I've been wise about not accepting advances from gentlemen who have showed an interest in me because I have always believed that the online world is not a good way to meet people as you can't judge their morals and their character. You can only take what you read at screen value. In those 2 years I've had the good fortune of meeting some of the people who have commented on my blog and who I read regularly. I was surprised to discover not only are they nice upstanding citizens but they also had good values. About 8 months ago, one of my readers began showing more than a casual interest in me at first I rebuffed him because there's enough going on in my life without having to wonder if this person is a stalker etc.
Though I kept him at bay we did begin an occassional correspondence via email. During that time we found we had much in common. During a particularly scary health period for my mom, where I thought I would lose her and felt scared and alone we began the phone call phase of our friendship. That was about 2 months after our correspondence began. After about 2 weeks my mother was finally well enough for our lives to almost get back to normal, however, the daily phone calls with Jon Doe continued for about another month. In that time we discovered that our morals, values, temperaments, likes, dislikes, hobbies and life pursuits were very closely aligned.
We eventually met for lunch (as he lived several hours away) and the chemistry between us was absolutely incredible. In a conversation a month prior to our meeting he had said that we were a perfect match. After our meeting his calls, emails and his words made it clear that he wanted to pursue a relationship and pursued me aggressively. As attracted as I was, I wasn't sure it would be a good time to begin a relationship given that my mother was still not in the best of health and her prognosis was not the most positive. Essentially, I feared beginning a relationship that I wouldn't be able to pursue, but he kept reassuring me that his steadfast affection and committment to me and to our "blossoming relationship" would get us through anything that came along. Over the next 3 months he showed his love for me in cards, letters, gifts, and in small suprising loving attentive gestures and in words. As long distance lovers do, we talked of a future in which we would finally be able to spend some time together.
All was fine until I asked if he would consider visiting for Valentines Day and told him that my elderlay neighbor had offered me the guest apartment over the garage for him to stay overnight.
Well, needless to say, there was enough of a hesitation for me to know feel there was something wrong. After praying about it and getting the same verse 3 out of 5 times over the next few days (Psalm 36:1-4) I knew I had to follow my instincts and do something and so I googled him and discovered an old blog of his in which there were pictures of a wife and kids. I was devastated, my spirit crushed. He had outright lied to me about never being married and about having children. He said that although he was in love with his wife he also was in love with me and now he was conflicted. He hoped that I would understand that it was an accident and that he never meant to hurt me.
I ended it as soon as he admitted to the truth, which was a few days ago. When I asked how he could receive gifts and take phone calls from me while being at home with his wife, he indicated that she trusted him because he never spent a night away from her. The way he said that made me realize this was perhaps not his first time. Just like the Psalm verse read, he justified his behavior with me and I heard very little remorse which, I believe goes to confirm my belief that there have been other women who have fallen under his spell.
Dazd, I am heartbroken to say the least, and devastated to say the most. Part of me wishes to compose a post and warn other women about him just giving email handle and real name so if another woman googles him she will find out as I did form the beginning and will not have to dig as deeply as I did to discover the info. I don't wish to hurt his wife or children in any way as they are innocent victims of this bastard's lies.
I am making an anonymous post on a blog to help other women and leave him to our lord and creator to handle him as he sees fit. Also, how long do you think my poor heart and soul will hurt from this betrayal. I have never loved anyone as much as I loved him, so these past 5 days have been the worst days of my life. I've managed to show up for work but after I leave home all I do is cry on my drive to and from work and once my mother is taken care of, I go to my room and spend my evenings in tears mourning the dashed hopes and feeling humiliated and ashamed for buying into the lies.
Any advice or help you can offer will be greatly appreciated.
A heartbroken Jane Doe in a cold and lonely city.
Dear Readers,
As you can see, Jane Doe is emotionally drained and heart broken. Please leave her some of the great wisdom I've drawn my strength from in these past months. I'd like for our first Dilemma Post to be a successful one.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
What's New?
Here's what's been brewing at Dazd Central. I decided that you, the reader and blog author, may have issues that you'd like input from the blogosphere. But feeling timid about posting to your own site? Afraid that people will snicker and ridicule you? Afraid that family will discover your dilemma and domestic issues will commence?
Worry no more...Dazd has conceived a plan to overcome your fears. I am willing to post weekly (day undecided as of yet) your dilemma for the blogosphere to comment. We all know that among the 10 comments there's a chance 1 of those is the golden nugget.
What's required from you? Nothing more than an email to me. Whats required of me? Simply picking one and posting it. Simple? Well, yes but wait! There's more...anonymity for you! That's right...anonymity!
What kind of dilemmas am I allowed to submit Dazd? Good question there John Doe. You can submit almost any content. However, I reserve the final decision. I'd ask that the submissions be of a "personal" nature and not something "world wide". There are plenty of sites dedicated to politics, war, racism, etc...
So Mrs. John Doe is cheating on you and you're not sure how to approach that she's been caught? Caught 6 year old Johnny streaking through the neighbors back yard and not sure how to handle it? That person at the sub shop always scratches their nose before making your sandwich...who do you complain to?
Send me an email and let's see what the blogosphere has to say. C'mon...you can do it!
Dilemma Submitting Guidelines:
1. Submit via my email address with your valid email account. If your dilemma is chosen, I will reply to that email account. No response within 72 hours will result in deletion of email.
2. All email addresses and origin of submitted dilemma will remain anonymous.
3. All "posted" dilemmas will have the names John Doe and Jane Doe according to submitters gender.
4. Dazd Central Admin reserves the right to edit original submission for content and language. Editing will be emailed to submitter in advance of posting.
5. Dazd Central Admin will select each dilemma according to no structured protocol.
6. Dazd Central Admin reserves the right to update these rules as they occur. Rules may change without advance warning.
Dazd Central is not legally or financially responsible for any advice commented/posted here.
Confuzed Ramblings
Work Work Work...why can't I get paid to surf blogs, code blogs and write while making an honest living? Yes I'm not very good at any of those things and I realize it's a huge part of the equation. But still...wouldn't it be cool? I admire those individuals accomplishing this feat. I am still suffering hair loss with Haloscan. I know...shhhhh...I stated I was done for awhile. The Rogaine seemed to help allot and I just decided I'd give coding another shot. I also need to code my header pic to have a link back to the home page. I think I can do this but just have to find the time.
I started working out at a gym a couple of weeks ago. The gym is 10 minutes from home and rather accessible after work. They have all kinds of fitness equipment and weights, both free and machine. At first my body revolted to the exercising, which I expected, and my sweat glands worked overtime. I was apprehensive about returning in fear of the "whispers"..."there's that guy again, get out the air freshner". After a few workouts my body adjusted to the environment and all is working smoothly. May not seem substantial for those fitter then I, but walking 2 miles in 30 minutes is a major accomplishment. Cardio rehab was only 1/4 mile in 10 minutes so I'm feeling confident about my progress. I didn't realize how much I missed lifting weights. You know you've done well when your arms turn to noodles shortly after a session. Here again nothing major but an accomplishment for me.
I'm training a new guy here at work. And when I say new, I'm talking "green as the grass" type training. This guy knows little of AutoCAD and that's the main program for my job. I'm not a patient person so this oughta be fun. I laid down the Dazd Rules upfront and stated I'm tolerant but not submissive. All-inall he shows promise by having enthusiasm and seems like a quick study. We shall see after a couple weeks of training.
Ok...that's all I have time for today. I have a new weekly idea brewing here so stay tuned.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Inductee to Dazd's Blogroll
Please go visit A Day In the Life of An Ambulance Driver and read about his latest adventure.
You won't be disappointed.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Indianapolis Colts Tribute Videos
Indianapolis Colts AFC Champions 2007
Yes I bleed blue!
Double click on the video of your choice to view full size at YouTube.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Super Bowl XLI
A New Look
Design and layout is still on-going so please be patient while I pull my hair out. heh
January 22, 2007
I downloaded a Link Preview thingy from HERE but it doesn't seem to work. ugh If anyone sees it let me know. **UPDATE** Fixed!
Also I changed the location of the Visitors (sitemeter) since it was messing up the 3-column format. (IE users found the right hand column at the bottom)
I've given up on Haloscan for now. I'm almost bald now and want to give my hair a chance to grow back in.
Friday, January 19, 2007
If I Controlled the Airwaves
Todays been a crappy one, just saying. One way I try and destress is listen to music. And with my unbiased genre selection, thats a tall order. I sometimes wonder why I didn't become a DJ. But then again, my mouth and quick temper probably would have the FCC sending me Christmas cards for my donations. And I'm sure my selections wouldn't appeal to the masses. Although I think it would be cool to be Wolfman Jack for an evening. Howling across the airwaves while teenagers partied and couples watched the submarine races. Playing my hits with reckless abandon while FCC and he parental advisory panels cringe and pop prozac to keep from spazzing out. But it's ok to dream, right?
The Allman Brothers - Jessica
Tom Petty - Mary Janes Last Dance
Metallica - Whiskey in the Jar
Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
Rage Against the Machine - Sleep Now in the Fire
The Wallflowers - One Headlight
The Traveling Wilburys - Handle with Care
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
Eminem - Loose Yourself
Offspring - Gotta Get Away
Staind - So Far Away
Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes
Martina McBride and Kelly Clarkson - Tribute to Reba The most powerful duo of female singers to ever grace the stage.
Toby Keith - As Good as I Once Was
Christina Aguilera - Hurt
There's a few songs for you to enjoy on a Friday. Listen for me on your local airwaves. My syndication is sure to go thru...
You all have a great weekend!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Another Meme
If you had to choose one vice in exclusion of all others what would it be?
Blueberry Pop-Tarts. It used to be Lil Debbie's Oatmeal Pies but since my heart attack, I've given those up...but not my Blueberry Pop-Tarts...
If you could change one specific thing about the world what would it be?
Name the cartoon character you identify with the most.
Larry from Veggie Tales
If you could live one day in your life over again which one would it be?
The day my son was born...to relive the moment would be priceless.
If you could go back in history and spend a day with one person who would it be?
My Uncle
What is the one thing you lost sold or threw away that you wish you could have back?
My '68 Mustang
What is your one most important contribution to this world?
Have a made a contribution? This is not for me to claim..that is up to someone else.
What is your one hidden talent that nearly no one knows about?
If I tell you here, then its not a secret anymore.
What is your most cherished possession?
My family.
What one person influenced your life the most when growing up?
My Father...whether he realizes it or not.
What one word describes you better than any other?
Smart Ass
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
So it shall be written, so it shall be done!
Pronunciation: hi-'pä-kr&-sE also hI-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -sies
Etymology: Middle English ypocrisie, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin hypocrisis, from Greek hypokrisis act of playing a part on the stage, hypocrisy, from hypokrinesthai to answer, act on the stage, from hypo- + krinein to decide
1 : a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion
2 : an act or instance of hypocrisy
This word alone has generated numerous varieties of the definition. “There’s the pot calling the kettle black, What is good for the goose is good for the gander, He/she walks on water and my all-time favorite from childhood; Do as I say not as I do”.
And yet still today I find myself being a hypocrite on many subjects. And this goes against my New Years Resolution. So I am trying to change but many obstacles and reprogramming of my thought processes must occur. It’s going to take time and I’m willing to invest the effort and in return expect those around me to succumb to my theories and beliefs. So I’ve actually decided after my ordeal in September that the hypocrisy of those physically around me should be maintained at a level within the boundaries of my stress levels. In layman’s terms, rid myself of those that are hypocritical. And so the purging has commenced on a grand scale yet matched by anyone I know.
While I’ve not actually “exterminated” anyone, I’m purging in a manner that cannot be judged or scientifically given measurable statistics. Actually, those being purged because of their hypocritical stances probably won’t even notice. It’s more of an internal purging. Yes, it’s achievable if one attempts. And yes it’s downsized my stress levels immensely. And it’s also lifted a huge burden off my shoulders. I always “stressed” over why someone doesn’t do this or why someone didn’t do that. Now it’s just a mere thought that is generated and then deleted. It wastes my time to ponder such thoughts which really have no bearing on becoming justified.
So it shall be written, so it shall be done!
Many have desecrated and dishonored the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And so it shall be written and declared on this day, January 17th of the year 2007 that those who wish to be treated like royalty, friends and family shall reciprocate lest ye be banished from my kingdom.
And others have desecrated the Ten Commandments. I am lenient on many subjects and levels of these commandments. But there is one in particular that remains steadfast within my morals and practices. And so it shall be written and declared on this day, January 17th of the year 2007 that those who wish to be treated like family and friends shall adhere to these commandments lest ye be banished from my kingdom.
Henceforth and forevermore, those privileged to be within my circle of trust shall remain as given by these rules declared on this day, January 17th of the year 2007.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Support and Encouragement
During my blogging rounds today, I stumbled upon this website and particular post via Leslie's who found it via Bluebird Blogs. Then I went and read this man's site and shocking post.
Please visit these fine folks and leave words of encouragement. Or maybe someone out here in the blogosphere can help somehow. You all helped me when I was down and out with encouragement and support. Now I'm calling in a favor to you, dear readers, to unselfishly give of yourself again. Letem know Dazd sent you and hopefully they won't run and hide. heh
I've been told I may be a grumpy ole bear but they see I have a soft spot.
A Milestone
There will be no fanfare or parades on this milestone. These things come and go like the seasons and I find little comfort in achieving them. The only comfort is that you, dear readers, continue to return for my ramblings. And for that, I thank you!
Domain Name untd.com ? (Commercial)
IP Address 64.136.49.# (Juno Online Services)
ISP Juno Online Services
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : District of Columbia
City : Washington
Lat/Long : 38.9097, -77.0231 (Map)
Language English (United States)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Firefox
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061206 Firefox/
Javascript version 1.5
Monitor Resolution : 1600 x 1200
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit Jan 14 2007 5:30:33 pm
Last Page View Jan 14 2007 5:30:33 pm
Visit Length 0 seconds
Page Views 1
Referring URL http://www.google.co...zilla:en-US:official
Search Engine google.com
Search Words lurkers anonymous
Visit Entry Page http://dacfh.blogspo...rkers-anonymous.html
Visit Exit Page http://dacfh.blogspo...rkers-anonymous.html
Out Click
Time Zone UTC-6:00
Visitor's Time Jan 14 2007 4:30:33 pm
Visit Number 5,000
Friday, January 12, 2007
Inductee into Dazd's Blogroll
And yes...I'll admit...the timing of this post coinciding with CB's Blogiversary is strictly chance. Seriously....
**hides the cake**
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Stat Whoring...errr Stat Experiment
I'm willing to give this a try. Why not?
We are supposed to mention Harry Potter. Why Harry Potter? Well Harry Potter seems to be a popular search. And why not...the Harry Potter movies are good and the new Harry Potter book is coming. And just so happens that Lil Dazd received 2 bags of the Harry Potter jellybeans for Christmas. And let me tell you, when it says it tastes like something, it really does! We stopped on the soap one...it tasted like soap, not that I know anything about soap taste, just that I was told....ya know.
Harry Potter...someone also mentioned the Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump war. I'm sure Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trump are now even more of a search term. And Rosie O'Donnell was a search term I'm sure. Altho Rosie O'Donnell I only remember for her role in League of Their Own. And Donald Trump...host of The Apprentice.
Ok Ok Did I add enough Harry Potter, Rosie O'Donnell and Donald Trumps? We shall see...
Stat Count at time of posting is 4,858. Almost 5,000!
GuyK of Charming, JustCharming has joined the experiment team providing air support.
AWTM joins as well...although she prefers the title of Statistical Analysis Manager.
Hoosierboy has launched his campaign providing me support within the borders of Indiana and long range recon for Professor Dragon.
Grasshopper DNR has joined as a willing participant providing scouting missions on his HD.
Becky of Tall Cool Drink joins the team providing explosives and transportation. Her skills of volcanology and building HD's is much appreciated.
cmk of Out of my Mind joins the team providing security along the northern territory and keeping us posted on the Red Wings.
***Hits from search engines such as google may not appear today. The search engines have to scan your site.***
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
New Inductee into Dazd's Blogroll
Without prolonging the suspense, I present to you : Dirk_Star
And here is the post that promoted Dirk to my list. All-in-all a site worthy of reading from beginning to present.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Take a box of kleenex.
I'm not sure if I've ever posted here about losing a nephew in Iraq. I'd look through all my posts but I'm damn lazy tonight. He was on his second tour of duty with the 101st Airborne Division's 502nd Infantry regiment based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, and had expected to return home in April 2006. Although he was Army, this tribute serves him well.
January 6th was also his birthday. I am working on a tribute post for him on the date of his death.
God bless each and every soldier making the sacrifice so we continue to live in freedom.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Securing Our Borders
An interesting yet widely ignored development this week concerning our border security.
A U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site was overrun Wednesday night along Arizona's border with Mexico.
I seriously question the ROE for our troops and border agents. Of course the article doesn't mention what the border raiding party had for weapons. Nor does it offer any insight to the ROE and whether our troops were reliving the Beruit ROE Syndrome. The National Guard is supposed to provide National security. Someones has a HUAS if they believe that they can protect without the right to defend with equal or greater force.
Take a look at this article and tell me how, in common sense reasoning, can these two be subjected to criminal prosecution while on duty?
Two border agents face heavy prison time for injuring a drug smuggler they thought was armed: In one of the most disturbing stories of the year, two U.S. Border Patrol agents were sentenced to prison terms of 11 years and 12 years for shooting a drug-smuggling suspect in the buttocks as he fled across the U.S.-Mexico border.
Former U.S. Border Patrol agent Ignacio Ramos embraced his wife, Monica Ramos, two days before he was sentenced to 11 years in prison (Courtesy El Paso Times)
On Feb. 17, Alonso, 37, an eight-year veteran of the U.S. Naval Reserve and a former nominee for Border Patrol Agent of the Year, responded to a request for backup from Compean, 28, who had seen a suspicious van near the border town of Fabens, Texas. (source)
And here's a fine example of how profiling fail miserably. The fact is that according to the article, an illegal alien who claimed to be a citizen of Mexico persisted in this false claim for nearly a week until, for reasons not explained in the article, finally admitted that he had provided a false name and was even lying about his nationality.
Whatever measures are put into place there's always someone who can side-step them. We cannot completely and with 100% accuracy deter, catch or thwart terrorists or illegal immigration into our country. While I believe that everyone has a right to legally enter the United States of America, I firmly believe that if you've entered illegally, you need spanked and put out the kitchen door. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Understanding the PGR
This appeared on ABC World News Tonight recently.
And no this isn't a flashback to 1971 nor a post about the Carpenters. Amazingly enough, the only thing characteristic of the lyrics is the rainy day. Rain Rain go away...Come back again some other day! Now if we kept saying this everytime it rained, I'm thinking the world would be a dry and barren place. But alas, it rains for a reason, right?
Well of course it does, silly. We need the rain for our survival. Rain provides us with water to quench our thirst, grow our veggies, water our lawns and provides us with topics of discussion. But what I wanna know is...why does it rain in over-abundance? Seems like a waste to me...all this rain. Where does all the extra water go? Yes I am aware of the river systems and the oceans. Here's a fact of Indiana your probably not aware of regarding water ecosystems.
Here in Indiana we have a unique Karst system. This subterranean system is considered by many to be an underground Grand Canyon and three-dimensional river delta. This place is called the Lost River. It streches for 23 miles and winds through southern Indiana, dotted with deep springs, caves and sinkholes. The watershed is over 200 square miles. The Lost River begins like a normal river in western Washington County. As the stream meanders into Orange County, the water begins to sink into swallow holes in the river bed. The Lost River, at surface level, meanders as a dry bed for 23 miles. This is about a fourth of the river's 85-mile length. A few times each year the Lost River fills its dry bed as runoff exceeds the capacity of the many swallow holes to siphon off the river's flow. As a subterranean river, it follows a more direct path of only eight miles from where it disappears, to where it rises at two places to make the Lost River flow again. The subterranean portion of the river flows 60' to 150' beneath the surface. A spring roughly 160 feet deep forms where a portion of the river reappears at the True Rise of the Lost River. One mile upstream, the Orangeville Rise provides the outlet for the rest of the subterranean flow. It then flows along the surface again into southern Martin County eventually reaching the east fork of the White River.
The caves are home to at least 24 cave species — 19 of which are endangered or rare and five of which can be found only in this region three of which are new to science. Dr. Julian Lewis of the University of Louisville has been researching southern Indiana's cave systems for the past several years, finding and documenting rare and previously unknown species. The cave species have developed in relative isolation. The species isolated by the geologic conditions of the Lost River have developed unique adaptations. Cave beetles, blind crickets, blind cavefish, and blind crayfish populate this subterranean world.
I'm still not convinced there isn't a labyrinth of subterranean systems connecting the entire North American continent. Approximately 80 percent of Earth's surface is covered with water; about 97 percent of all water is in the oceans. The distribution of that three percent of all Earth's water that is freshwater. The majority, about 69 percent, is locked up in glaciers and icecaps, mainly in Greenland and Antarctica. You might be surprised that of the remaining freshwater, almost all of it is below your feet, as ground water. No matter where on Earth you are standing, chances are that, at some depth, the ground below you is saturated with water. Of all the freshwater on Earth, only about 0.3 percent is contained in rivers and lakes—yet rivers and lakes are not only the water we are most familiar with, it is also where most of the water we use in our everyday lives exists.
Yes...the rain also throws my mind into a fact finding frenzy. I'm trying to locate the documented species living within the Lost River. I'll update if and when I find it. Otherwise, I need to learn to just let it go.
Why does it gradually stop raining? So the clouds don't slam shut!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
No Name Post
And we should not forget those military families who gave a little and those that gave their all.