Ramblings of the Dazed and Confuzed one. Some insightful, some meaningless and some just downright stupid. Fact or Fiction is for you to decide. "Reality sucks and Life goes on." ~Dazdnconfzd
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Go Visit
If you believe in supporting our troops, go visit Hugo and Terry. (I'll be updating and promoting this one here at Dazd Central)
Send some support to Monica as she tackles an unbelieveable situation.
And make sure you stop by ArmyWifeToddlerMom's place. I'm thinking her just knowing people do support and care will help immensely.
Wednesday Ramble (cough)
To all the people that came from Ambulance Driver's blog, thank you! And for those of you returning, a bigger thank you! And for all my loyal readers, the most humble and sincere thank you!!
Now go click that button and see what I looked like this morning.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Weekly Dilemma Reminder
Here's what's been brewing at Dazd Central. I decided that you, the reader and blog author, may have issues that you'd like input from the blogosphere. But feeling timid about posting to your own site? Afraid that people will snicker and ridicule you? Afraid that family will discover your dilemma and domestic issues will commence? Read more by clicking the Rambling On... button.
Worry no more...Dazd has conceived a plan to overcome your fears. I am willing to post weekly (day undecided as of yet) your dilemma for the blogosphere to comment. We all know that among the 10 comments there's a chance 1 of those is the golden nugget.
What's required from you? Nothing more than an email to me. Whats required of me? Simply picking one and posting it. Simple? Well, yes but wait! There's more...anonymity for you! That's right...anonymity!
What kind of dilemmas am I allowed to submit Dazd? Good question there John Doe. You can submit almost any content. However, I reserve the final decision. I'd ask that the submissions be of a "personal" nature and not something "world wide". There are plenty of sites dedicated to politics, war, racism, etc...
So Mrs. John Doe is cheating on you and you're not sure how to approach that she's been caught? Caught 6 year old Johnny streaking through the neighbors back yard and not sure how to handle it? That person at the sub shop always scratches their nose before making your sandwich...who do you complain to?
Send me an email and let's see what the blogosphere has to say. C'mon...you can do it!
Dilemma Submitting Guidelines:
1. Submit via my email address with your valid email account. If your dilemma is chosen, I will reply to that email account. No response within 72 hours will result in deletion of email.
2. All email addresses and origin of submitted dilemma will remain anonymous.
3. All "posted" dilemmas will have the names John Doe and Jane Doe according to submitters gender.
4. Dazd Central Admin reserves the right to edit original submission for content and language. Editing will be emailed to submitter in advance of posting.
5. Dazd Central Admin will select each dilemma according to no structured protocol.
6. Dazd Central Admin reserves the right to update these rules as they occur. Rules may change without advance warning.
***Our first Dilemma was a success***
Weekly Dilemma #1
Monday, February 26, 2007
Monday Evening Blues
Monday Blahs
I'm feeling rather sickly myself. Its a cold starting to work but I'm fearful its gonna be the flu or even more. I did have my flu shot this year and its been guarding me well. After a heart attack, pnuemonia(sp) and the flu they say you should avoid like the plague.
And why all the (sp) today? I'm too lazy to spell check today. And besides, I finished reading the self help guide to phonics; Huked on Foniks Werkd fer Mi.
And one thing that irks me today...what the fluck is wrong with these people?

Military Monday
Military Monday
New Video
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Texas Style
The contestants will all start in Dallas,then drive to Waco, Austin, San Antonio, over to Houston and down to Brownsville . They will then proceed up Del Rio, El Paso, Midland, Odessa, Lubbock and Amarillo. From there they will go to Abilene, Fort Worth and finally back to Dallas.
Each will be driving a pink Volvo with bumper stickers that read: "I'm Gay." "I love the Dixie Chicks." "Boycott Beef." "I voted for John Kerry." "Hillary in 2008." and "I'm here to confiscate your guns."
The first one to make it back to Dallas alive wins.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Just Some Weekend Humor

Speaker of the House Elect Nancy Pelosi today announced that the Democrats will change the country emblem from an Eagle to a CONDOM because it more accurately reflects the new government's political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed. Damn, it just doesn't get more accurate than that.
A Few Good Men
"Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to." ~Jack Nicholson from A Few Good Men
The above quote?...I always think of that moment when I hear cries from the left. Sure sure...we all know Col. Jessep did the unspeakable. But that very moment, I have bolded, sums up exactly why I am proud of our Armed Forces personnel.
I also invite you to read this speech given by Pericles following the Peloponnesian War. A rather lengthy speech but it summarizes honor, loyalty, dedication and the love of country.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Comments open for ideas, places, dates, etc...
Discuss amongst yourselves in the comments.
Ps. Open to anyone wanting to attend.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Post Review - BlogSire
BlogSire recently posted promoting this company. The post covers the details of the company's story and the basis for the advertisement. The overall content of the post is well written and informative while providing links. The basis of the company is based upon the you getting paid for surfing the Internet. The content of BlogSire's post covers the basics of the company's sales pitch and encourages you to join. The post details generalized money making formats and give the reader a sense of what can be expected before visiting the sponsor.
I'm always one to "talk" allot and BlogSire is far from over-emphasizing yet providing enough information for the reader to check out AGLOCO. I would place more emphasis on why its important to link through his post. He gets a referral but what do I get in return? I think this is a key selling point regardless of the product.
I give the post an 8 out of 10 rating. Nice job BlogSire.
Slow Wednesday
This morning...22 degrees. That's right...22 degrees. All the snow that melted? Ice...solid ice. I honestly believe I deserved at least a Silver Medal for my performance this morning. I'm sure the point deductions were from sliding into the car while attempting a flying sit spin and death drop. A camel spin would've added points but I can't get my leg that high. I heard snickering from the dog and my son. Those two will eventually fall asleep and thats when....well, nevermind.
So as I'm driving my son to school, we hear that there's "freezing fog" in our area. Freezing fog...thats what I said. You know, ever since I was about 10 I've always had an interest in meteorology. And I'm almost positive I've heard all the layman's terms. But freezing fog...thats a new one. Freezing fog: a fog of supercooled water droplets, freezing on impact with any solid surface. Why not call it freezing mist? Freezing drizzle?
So as I'm driving to work my mind starts to wake up. Freezing Fog...airborn icebergs. OMG! Everyone Panic!!!1!!1 Huge iceberg warnings are now in effect for Central Indiana. Drive with extreme caution and try to avoid low laying areas. Please contact emergency officials in the event you spot one. Do not attempt to chase it and remain clear of its path...
Then I remembered it really does happen. Go see for yourself.
OMG! Everyone Panic!!!1!!1
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Songs for Today
Grand Funk Railroad - Heartbreaker
Foghat - Slow Ride
Thin Lizzy-Jailbreak
I couldn't find any decent Molly Hatchett, Marshall Tucker Band, 38 Special, The Allman Brothers, Doobie Brothers videos...I've got them all as well.
I do love my iPod! I've also have a collection of B.B. King to listen too. Maybe this afternoon...
Monday, February 19, 2007
Would you like fries with that?
Oh and why is this getting national attention? Her husband is serving a third combat tour in Iraq. Oh, did I mention they have 3 kids too? I agree with the guilty party, "I'll fly over Virginia from now on."
Go read for yourself...there's no toy in this McHappy Meal.
Does she deserve the verdict with sentence?
Go Straight To Jail. Pass Go. Do Not Collect $200.
Note to self:Thats what I get for reading MSM.
Monday Morning Prayer
My fears.
Those small ones that seemed so big.
For all the vital things
I had to get and to reach.
And yet there is only one great thing.
The only thing.
To live to see the great day that dawns
And the light that fulfills the world.
Eskimo Prayer from the movie "Never Cry Wolf"
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Site Reviews
As I posted yesterday, I've added a few sites under Blogging/Computer Helpful Hints/Geeky Stuff. I always practice sharing valuable information that’s not of a personal nature or threatens National Security. And these sites definitely fall into the safe category.
Blogger Talk is a unique community consisting of bloggers from all levels of experience. I spent a better part of this morning reviewing the forum. The forum is very user friendly and contains a plethora of information. I found most interesting the posts describing blog/web etiquette. I never really considered a few of the topics covered and to be honest, I found all of them to be of honest preferences. It was refreshing to read the comments without the personal attacks and trolls. You’ll definitely be seeing a few changes here at Dazd Central.
Blogger Talk also has an extensive collection of useful design websites. I viewed a few of them and will schedule a “Geek Day” soon. Most of them look to be user friendly and described the “how to” sections in terms most of us “Geek wannabe’s” can understand. It will be interesting to see if I can screw up my blog again. In case I do, I know the community at Blogger Talk will step in and assist me. I recommend that you visit their site and sign up. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
The other site I’ve added is Blogging Fusion. This site looks to be brand new. Once again, it is very user friendly and sign up is simple. Blogging Fusion is a blogging directory broken down by categories. This makes looking for new reads simple and cuts down on the time consuming surfing. I’ve already found a few sites that have been bookmarked for possible future inductees to Dazd’s Blogroll. Here again, I recommend that you visit and sign up. It can’t hurt anything to create more exposure.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
New Additions
Please visit the following Inductee's into Dazd's blogroll:
Faster than the World
Mrs. Who
Pickled Beef
Redneck Scottsdale Princess
The Pink Cosmopolitan
This Woman's Journey
World Outside my Window
New Links under Blogging/Computer Helpful Hints/Geeky Stuff:
Blogging Fusion
Blogger Talk
Blogging Basics 101
New RSS Provider Feedburner
Friday, February 16, 2007
A Person to Remember
Please visit this newssite that picked up the story of the most beloved man of our generation: Robert Alder
Now dagnabbit...where'd he go now?
Weekly Dilemma Reminder
Here's what's been brewing at Dazd Central. I decided that you, the reader and blog author, may have issues that you'd like input from the blogosphere. But feeling timid about posting to your own site? Afraid that people will snicker and ridicule you? Afraid that family will discover your dilemma and domestic issues will commence?
Worry no more...Dazd has conceived a plan to overcome your fears. I am willing to post weekly (day undecided as of yet) your dilemma for the blogosphere to comment. We all know that among the 10 comments there's a chance 1 of those is the golden nugget.
What's required from you? Nothing more than an email to me. Whats required of me? Simply picking one and posting it. Simple? Well, yes but wait! There's more...anonymity for you! That's right...anonymity!
What kind of dilemmas am I allowed to submit Dazd? Good question there John Doe. You can submit almost any content. However, I reserve the final decision. I'd ask that the submissions be of a "personal" nature and not something "world wide". There are plenty of sites dedicated to politics, war, racism, etc...
So Mrs. John Doe is cheating on you and you're not sure how to approach that she's been caught? Caught 6 year old Johnny streaking through the neighbors back yard and not sure how to handle it? That person at the sub shop always scratches their nose before making your sandwich...who do you complain to?
Send me an email and let's see what the blogosphere has to say. C'mon...you can do it!
Dilemma Submitting Guidelines:
1. Submit via my email address with your valid email account. If your dilemma is chosen, I will reply to that email account. No response within 72 hours will result in deletion of email.
2. All email addresses and origin of submitted dilemma will remain anonymous.
3. All "posted" dilemmas will have the names John Doe and Jane Doe according to submitters gender.
4. Dazd Central Admin reserves the right to edit original submission for content and language. Editing will be emailed to submitter in advance of posting.
5. Dazd Central Admin will select each dilemma according to no structured protocol.
6. Dazd Central Admin reserves the right to update these rules as they occur. Rules may change without advance warning.
***Our first Dilemma was a success***
Weekly Dilemma #1
New Gadgets
For those of you that prefer emails (I love getting emails), I've incorporated an email subscription through Feedburner.
And as alays, I welcome any suggestions/comments of the feeds. I am experimenting here, so hopefully this won't interrupt our regularly scheduled programming.
And look for new links to be Blogrolled soon!
Why do I keep abreast of the technology? Simple...if it looks neat I'll try it.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Survivor: Indiana
We received 8 inches or so of snow, sleet and freezing rain. Couple that with blustery winds and it was down right cold. It was so cold...it could freeze the balls off a brass monkey. Ok Ok...for you perv minded people, read this first. This saying has roots in fact in India. The "Monkey" or brass plate to hold cannon balls was used in some on the barracks that were in colder parts of the continent, When the temperature dropped, the contracting metals would cause the pile to fall. On war ships the cannon balls were of iron and the plate they were stacked on beside the cannon was made of brass, the plate was known as a monkey. In extreme cold the two metals would contract differently and the iron balls would fall off the monkey. Satisfied?
Since I cannot shovel snow, this snowfall was rather tough on ole Dazd's ego. I sooooo wanted to shovel snow and make sure the family had adequate means for travel without encountering avalanches. It's always been my job and one I took pride in performing. But this year it was merely impossible to shovel let alone sweep off the porch. I must say the missus did a very nice job of making sure we had an adequate path. Lil Dazd even helped too...and with some supervision from dad, I think he'll follow his dad's footsteps in snow removal. So I've been assigned porch duty and handed my very own official snow removal broom along with a bag of salt. The only instructions I received about the salt were pretty simple. "For God's sake...do not, I repeat DO NOT make sure the ice pellets are evenly distributed for the entire length of the sidewalk. Leave the engineering logic at work, please!"
Ok...so I take my job seriously.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
My Girl
My Girl
Someday soon as the new day dawns,
The leaves will be as green as a spring day,
The seeds of this mans dreams stay close to the tree.
Some always talk about the birds and the bees
Others talk about being footloose and fancy free.
Only few know of the wonders and joys,
Pretty girls and the rough cut boys.
I myself only think about one who compares to none,
She has the heart I have won.
She is as radiant as a bright summers day.
Also possesses the spark to light my soul,
Two as one make us whole.
Someday soon as the new day dawns
The leaves will be as colorful as fall
The seeds of this man dreams will be a tree big and tall.
Copyright © 1996 Dazdnconfzd
And for my dear readers, please accept my Valentines Day card to you.
Valentine - Martina McBride
Happy Valentines Day!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Public Service Announcement
So take your loved one's hand, pull them towards your computer or iPod and play them a tune.
Van morrison - Have I told u lately that I love you
The Cure - Lovesong
Simple Minds - Don't you forget about me
Savage Garden - I knew I loved you
Martina Mcbride - Safe in the Arms of Love
Making Love out of nothing at all
Donna Summer - Love To Love You Baby
Modern English - I melt with you
Air Supply - Lost in Love
Journey - When You Love a Woman
Elton John - Can you feel the love tonight
Howie Day - Collide
Aerosmith - I Dont Wanna Miss A Thing
And for the crooners and Divas portion of my song list:
Whitney Houston-I will always love you
Dolly Parton - I Will Always Love You
To Where You Are - Josh Groban
Tom Jones - My Funny Valentine
Perry Como - And I Love You So This ones a Tissue Alert. This man could croon...and quite simply a legend to me.
Why do I keep doing this? Simple folks, because I love looking for music that brings joy to my heart and pleasure to my readers.
Now go swoon your sweetheart!
Monday, February 12, 2007
More Snow
Below is DNR shoveling his way out.

Janet cannot let Spot out to play.

Dragon decided to visit Goldbloom at the last minute.

And here is Freddie...she looks warm doesn't she?

Sunday, February 11, 2007
Music Nostalgia
I have enjoyed all genres of music since my childhood. I was lucky enough to grow up surrounded by a music loving family. My grandmother introduced me to country and bluegrass music. The other grandmother intrduced me to piano. My mother played the flute all through high school and my father was an accomplished clarinetist in central Indiana. During my youth and through high school, I played trumpet for the school and and quite frankly I sucked. But this didn't deter me from my love of music. I can still get goosebumps watching a marching band perform. It brings a flood of memories back to days gone by that I regretfully cannot relive. But I cherish those fond memories all the same. The hairs still stand on the back of my neck when Martina McBride belts out her song Independence Day. I still chuckle and sit in awe whenever I see the Rat Pack on old films.
I am not versed as some when it comes to music. But I know what I like and I've yet to dislike a genre as a whole. Yes, there are some genres that defy music and its basic principles. But I always try and find that little part that I admire and tune out all the rest.
These following links are but a small taste. I do not argue over who is better because frankly folks, nobody really gives a damn...especially me.
My appreciation for legends:
Willie Nelson and Ray Charles - Seven Spanish Angels
Elvis Presley - Blue Christmas
My appreciation for male crooners:
Frank Sinatra
Sammy Davis Jr - Mr. Bojangles
Tony Bennett and Dean Martin
My appreciation for women singers:
Patsy Cline - Crazy
Loretta Lynn - Coal Miner's Daughter
My appreciation for Big Band music:
Glenn Miller & His Orchestra - Moonlight Serenade
My appreciation for Blues and Jazz:
Dizzy Gillespie & Louis Armstrong - Umbrella Man
B B King Blues Session
My appreciation for guitars and string instruments:
Roy Clark - 1969 - Alabama Jubilee and Roy Clark - Late 1960's - Caravan
My appreciation for Bluegrass:
Bill Monroe - Little Georgia Rose
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Do You Control Your Life?
I have been debating this question for some years now. Everyone has an opinion and none are right or wrong. The easiest answer I can give: To control one's surroundings. Our society, as a whole, has regressed to the point of letting our surrounding dictate our reaction. Our reaction, for the most part, is very predictable. We learn as children what reactions are expected to any given situation. But as we become adults, we find that the world is full of reality that we’ve never experienced. Thus we start the learning cycle all over again. As we continually learn from our experiences, life becomes a bit less demanding and easier to control. But our behavioral pattern is already set. All we do is build upon this and change as the situations arise. The patterns are apart of our personalities. They mold our very being and we find that reaction is spontaneous, influential and uncontrolled.
We find that society has created barriers within cultural beliefs. The barriers are created when we are confronted with beliefs that are not of our own. And so we have created societies within a society. A society, as a whole, needs these barriers in order to maintain the cohesiveness.
But when do these barriers become destructive to a society? Simple: when hatred and fear is born. The hatred can sometimes lead to acts of violence against the so-called outside philosophical issues and/or beliefs. These acts of violence can be prejudice or destructive as elimination of an entire philosophical practice or belief. And as we progress into the 21st century, we find that more hatred and fear is continually born.
We also learn that certain other beliefs are considered taboo by society. What these taboos are consisted of differ from culture to culture. In today’s world, multi-cultural backgrounds are becoming more prevalent. So our perceptions of taboo have become clouded to the point of not knowing which is right or wrong. This has monumental effects for today’s society. Even now, more sub-societies are being formed within the already existing sub-societies. And so more barriers are being erected. And so the cycle continues.
At some point of this continual evolution, we reach a boiling point. When the hatred, mistrust and violence evolve to proportions never considered by mankind. What society needs to evolve to is individuality. Individuality within your thought processes can make a major impact. Not individuality as being a Supreme Being or belief that any wrong can be done. But rather individuality to create a persona that radiates humanity. And by achieving this persona, society will surely accept this to be a beneficial philosophy.
Society has learned through regressive thinking to accept what is and not what they wanted to achieve. Whatever the humanitarian persona created, they cannot cast a embracing hold onto the whole of society. What I am discussing with you is small. And by small I am referring to individuality. Individuality is what makes us unique. But if you have lost that individuality then you are no longer unique within the Sea of Reality. Is this not what we all strive for? To be unique to the point of respect and acceptance? And we all share the same dream. Any one person wants to be recognized and accepted. But this thought pattern does not always fit within the walls of the boundaries society has created. This is why your individuality far outweighs the following of thousands. For with the following of thousands comes the reaction from society. And then once again you have lost your individuality. The continual cycle...
It is my opinion that our depressive thoughts and actions have derived from the barriers we have placed within society. I am not debating the fact that certain Mental issues do exist but merely that our perception of depression is somewhat clouded. While it is a medically proven fact that our bodies change during our lifespan, it has not been proven that our changes can be dictated by our surroundings. I may be wrong about the studies, but I have yet to discuss with someone a known study to substantiate this opinion.
Is it our responsibility to lay the foundations for our youths to grow upon? Yes. But how do we build that foundation if we cannot determine our own individuality? It does not take millions of dollars to lay the proper foundation. Nor does it take poverty to create the proper foundation. What it takes is Love. Simple isn't it? But yet it is the hardest thing we as a society have to give. People have lost track of what love is all about. Now I know everyone has a different viewpoint in it's definition. But if you spend your life thinking of the proper definition, have you achieved love?
Caring, compassion, sharing and good Samaritan traits are what makes the love I am describing. If you show a child understanding and "love", then they will learn by example to pass along to the next generation. But if you conceal this aspect, how do they know what "love" really is? This is where society steps in and causes our reactions. I am always reminded of the statement: “It takes a village to raise a child”. Our society, as a whole, has lost this concept. We have become to involved with our daily lives and to busy to help those in need. And society has also been taught not to trust anyone. So much hate, mistrust, and single-minded thought patterns have clouded our judgement.
When was the last time you carried groceries for someone who was struggling? Or the last time you showed compassion to a confused child? All it takes is a minute to make a difference. Some have devoted their entire lives to helping others. This generosity is commendable but this cannot work for everyone. One minute…the time it takes to take a drink, read your mail, or watch the auto accident. But how long would it take to give a drink to someone, get their mail, or ask the person in the accident if they need help? One minute is the amount of time. Walk into a nursing home, hospital or doctors office and just walk up to someone and say hello...Spend a minute and talk. Watch the reactions transform before your eyes. Let them know that someone does care. Someone has the minute to spend with them. Who knows, maybe that’s all they wanted was a caring soul to give them the time. Can your actions influence others? Yes. What about that child that needs a smile and someone to show them kindness? The child who may be struggling with a situation or task? Take the time to show them the correct way.
And at that point YOU have made a difference. At that point, you have turned on your light and engulfed everything around you. And for this you will feel compelled to carry on generating this light. Darkness dictates our perception of our surroundings. But light dictates the darkness.
A person spends two thirds of their lives in an automobile. How much of your life have you given to show your "love"?
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Snow Snow Snow

Snowy Daydream
So beautiful yet so concise
Always unique and never two alike
Free to travel with the wind
Finding one another in the end
Swirls of wind give them flight
Well into the day and through the night
Continually they fall from the heaven above
Gently floating as if on wings of a dove
Sunlight through the clouds at last
Radiant perceptions the sun has cast
Creating a wonderland from the barren and cold
A beautiful scene before my eyes does unfold
Millions have arrived covertly with the night
Seemingly nonchalant with their impending plight
The sun warms the surrounding air
Forthwith delivering destiny without a care
Memories of this morning will appease my fears
Wondrous joys the snow yields each year.
Copyright © 2003 Dazdnconfzd
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Open Discussion
Millions of Americans have seen the ad blitz for Merck's new drug Gardasil. The FDA only approved Gardasil in June and already, there is talk of making the $360 vaccine mandatory for the 2 million American girls who enter the sixth grade every year. Gardasil, which is manufactured by Merck, is the first vaccine developed to prevent cervical cancer, precancerous genital lesions and genital warts resulting from exposure to HPV. It is highly effective against four types of the virus, including two that cause about 70 percent of cervical cancer cases, said the CDC. Three doses of the new vaccine should be given to girls when they're 11 or 12 years old, according to the CDC committee's recommendation. The shots can be given to girls as young as 9 with the advice of a doctor or other health care provider.
Some worry that may sends a mixed signal by protecting girls against a sexually transmitted disease while at the same time telling them they shouldn't have sex.
But whether girls entering the 6th grade should be immunized is the subject of sharp debate among parents, including those who welcomed the vaccine and those who were afraid it might encourage early sexual activity.
HOUSTON - Texas on Friday became the first state to require school-age girls be vaccinated against a virus - typically transmitted through sex - that has been shown to cause cervical cancer.
Gov. Rick Perry signed an executive order mandating that most girls, starting in September 2008, receive the vaccination against the human papilloma virus, or HPV, prior to entering sixth grade.(source)
I want to hear your opinions. Comments open for discussion.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
A Cold Winters Day

Talk about cold...I know, there's allot of you who live in colder climates. But this poor kitty showed up on my doorstep this weekend. We felt sorry for the pussy, being it was cold and all. We took the pussy in, fed him and gave him a warm bed. We felt good about ourselves as we helped an innocent animal survive the frigid weather.
That is until we realized dogs in our neighborhood were running around lame or laying there in morbid poses. Our neighborhood quickly became void of canines of all shapes and sizes. Which was fine by me because that meant no dog poop! A win-win situation.
Late last night while we were celebrating the Colts Super Bowl victory, I heard sounds that weren't consistent with our household. It sounded link car keys clinking together in a pattern. And every few minutes it would stop for awhile. I started walking through the house looking for the mystery noise. I located the noise coming from our spare room. While I quietly stood there for a moment, I heard three sets of voices along with giggling. Odd...just the Mrs and I were awake and son was sound asleep. Eventually curiousity overcame my logical reasoning and I opened the door....

I found the pussy's buddy sitting under the window.

And another of his buddies prepared another ambush.

I quickly grabbed my gun and proceeded to remove the pussy and his buddies from my home.
Just goes to show you...you invite a pussy into your home, you never know what troubles lie ahead.
Here's what's been brewing at Dazd Central. I decided that you, the reader and blog author, may have issues that you'd like input from the blogosphere. But feeling timid about posting to your own site? Afraid that people will snicker and ridicule you? Afraid that family will discover your dilemma and domestic issues will commence?
Worry no more...Dazd has conceived a plan to overcome your fears. I am willing to post weekly (day undecided as of yet) your dilemma for the blogosphere to comment. We all know that among the 10 comments there's a chance 1 of those is the golden nugget.
What's required from you? Nothing more than an email to me. Whats required of me? Simply picking one and posting it. Simple? Well, yes but wait! There's more...anonymity for you! That's right...anonymity!
What kind of dilemmas am I allowed to submit Dazd? Good question there John Doe. You can submit almost any content. However, I reserve the final decision. I'd ask that the submissions be of a "personal" nature and not something "world wide". There are plenty of sites dedicated to politics, war, racism, etc...
So Mrs. John Doe is cheating on you and you're not sure how to approach that she's been caught? Caught 6 year old Johnny streaking through the neighbors back yard and not sure how to handle it? That person at the sub shop always scratches their nose before making your sandwich...who do you complain to?
Send me an email and let's see what the blogosphere has to say. C'mon...you can do it!
Dilemma Submitting Guidelines:
1. Submit via my email address with your valid email account. If your dilemma is chosen, I will reply to that email account. No response within 72 hours will result in deletion of email.
2. All email addresses and origin of submitted dilemma will remain anonymous.
3. All "posted" dilemmas will have the names John Doe and Jane Doe according to submitters gender.
4. Dazd Central Admin reserves the right to edit original submission for content and language. Editing will be emailed to submitter in advance of posting.
5. Dazd Central Admin will select each dilemma according to no structured protocol.
6. Dazd Central Admin reserves the right to update these rules as they occur. Rules may change without advance warning.
***Our first Dilemma was a success***
Weekly Dilemma #1
Pay It Forward
Now stop loitering while I'm renovating and check this out. And then stop by and wish Kat some well deserved recognition.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Site Update
For those not switched over yet...be prepared.
You may also see some errant scripting showing up. I'm working on it along with some assistance.
Stay Tuned!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Happy Groundhogs Day!!!

February 2nd brings the most-watched weather forecast of the year—and the only one led by a rodent. Legend has it that on this morning, if a groundhog can see its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter. If it cannot see its shadow, spring is on the way.
Since a groundhog hibernates for the winter, its coming out of the ground is a natural sign of spring. In Europe centuries ago, people watched for other hibernating animals, including badgers, bears, and hedgehogs, as signs of winter's end. Germans who immigrated to Pennsylvania in the mid-1800s began keeping an eye on the groundhog. The widespread population of the rodent made it a handy agent for this particular weather superstition.
Throughout history numerous holidays have marked this seasonal crossroads. Among these is Candlemas Day, February 2, a Christian holiday that celebrates Mary's ritual purification. Early Christians believed that if the sun came out on Candlemas Day, winter would last for six weeks more.
The ancient Romans observed a mid-season festival on February 5, and the pagan Irish celebrated one around February 1. In many parts of Europe early February might herald the start of spring, when crops could be planted.
In the 1880s some friends in Punxsutawney, Penn., went into the woods on Candlemas Day to look for groundhogs. This outing became a tradition, and a local newspaper editor nicknamed the seekers "the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club." Starting in 1887 the search became an official event centered on a groundhog called Punxsutawney Phil. A ceremony still takes place every year.
Today Punxsutawney Phil lives in a climate-controlled habitat adjoining the Punxsutawney Library. A local celebrity, he gained national fame in the 1993 movie Groundhog Day (which was shot in scenic Woodstock, Illinois). The weather-watching rodent's predictions are recorded in the Congressional Records of our National Archive. So far, Phil has seen his shadow about 85% of the time.
***News Update***
Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring. More than 15,000 revelers milled about in a misty snow waiting for the prediction, as fireworks exploded overhead and the "Pennsylvania Polka" and other music blared in the background. There are unconfirmed reports of a disturbance during the ceremony. Numerous spectators claim to have seen a suspicious character milling with the crowd.
We know go live to Punxsutawney to our roaming reporter Phil Connors.
Hello, everyone, this is your action news reporter with all the news
that is news across the nation, on the scene at the Punxsutawney Annual Groundhogs Day Festival. There seems to have been some disturbance here. Pardon me, sir, did you see what happened?
Yeah, I did. I's standin' overe there by the hot chocolate stand, and here he
come, running through the crowd, through the cotton candy and doughnuts, nekkid as a jay bird. And I hollered over t' Ethel, I said, "Don't look, Ethel!" But it's too late, she'd already been incensed.
Here he comes, look at that, look at that There he goes, look at that, look at that
And he ain't wearin' no clothes.
Oh, yes, they call him the Squirrelly Streak Look at that, look at that Fastest thing on four feet Look at that, look at that He's just as proud as he can be
Of his anatomy He goin' give us a peek
Oh, yes, they call him the Squirrelly Streak Look at that, look at that He likes to show off his haiiry physique Look at that, look at that If there's an audience to be found He'll be streakin' around Invitin' public critique
This is your action news reporter Phil Connors once again, and we're here at the gas
station. Pardon me, sir, did you see what happened?
Yeah, I did. I's just in here gettin my car checked, he just appeared
out of the traffic. Come streakin' around the grease rack there, didn't
have nothin' on but a smile. I looked in there, and Ethel was gettin'
her a cold drink. I hollered, "Don't look, Ethel!" But it was too
late. She'd already been mooned. Flashed her right there in front of
the shock absorbers.
Larry the camera dude was forunate to have captured a picture of this Squirrelly Streaker when he stopped long enough for the camera. (Click on the picture to open)

This is Phil Connors reporting live from Punxsutawney. We'll keep you updated as the news develops.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
I cannot bring myself to write the words so deserving of this young man. However, I fully support his dedication to serving his country and will never question the reasoning. I pray that Marlon's 3 children grow up to honor and respect all that their dad represented. Our country can use allot more good men like him.
February 1st will always be a sorrowful and joyous occassion as we celebrate the life that was and the life that is; My wife and her twin sister (Marlon's mother-in-law)celebrate their birthday on February 1st.
Army's Company D, 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment,
2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division

Halfway down the road to hell,
In a shady meadow green,
Are the souls of all dead troopers camped
Near a good old-time canteen.
And this eternal resting place
Is known as Fiddler’s Green.
-Author Unknown
Ramblings of a Over-Caffinated Person
“Ok Dazd…sounds good and all but that’s probably a violation of civil rights.” Ok…then let us try this one, shall we? I will adamantly invoke Amendment 2 of the United States Constitution. I’m proposing taking the right to bear arms to a whole new level. That’s right…I said it. We all experienced hallway monitors in elementary school. I’m proposing armed roadway monitors for our streets and highways. These monitors will not only enforce traffic rules but punishment will be handed out immediately. And I’m not talking a ticket here folks. Oh no siree…each Roadway Monitor will be equipped with the latest technological weaponry available. Each vehicle will have 2 AIM-9 Sidewinder Missiles, M-240B Machine Gun and a host of other technologically advanced components. You maliciously disobey safe driving tactics and your gonna get a reminder.
“Ok Dazd…sounds good and all but that’s probably a little extreme, don’t ya think?”
Alright “Mr. WussyPants”, to tough for you? Alright, then the roadway monitors will confiscate your vehicle right then and there. Oh, you need a ride home? Tough tee-pees there, you have two feet use them. And as for getting your vehicle back you’ll have to pass an IQ test. If you pass then you get your vehicle back, of course after you pay a hefty towing fee.
“Ok Dazd…sounds good and all but that’s probably a little far-fetched, don’t ya think?”
Well ok…maybe you’re right “Mr. QuestionAsker Person.” So tell me Mr. QuestionAsker Person, what’s it like to be stupid? I’ve never experienced that low level intelligence and I’m curious. Me? Well yes…I took smart pills as a child and have never really worried about ignorance. That’s right…smart pills. I took allot of them growing up. Oh I know…it looked like candy. Those scientists were really clever at disguising them. And even today I take them and so does my son. In fact, he has a dispenser and so do I. Oh they market them as Pez Dispensers but every intelligent person knows they’re really smart pills.
What, you didn’t know that Mr. QuestionAsker Person? I rest my case.
Readers beware…Dazd’s Roadway Monitoring System is coming to your city!